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Closing & Delays

How are closing & delays decided?

The Fort Madison Community School District administration takes a team approach when making decisions about school delays and closures. That decision is based on safety first, using the best information available at the time the decision must be made.

Input from the District’s Transportation Director is received after they have driven various roadways in the school district firsthand. This procedure normally begins at 4:30 a.m. so that a decision can be made if a delay or cancellation seems warranted. The Superintendent may also consult with other area school districts. The final decision is generally reached around 6:00 a.m. to inform media and affected District personnel.

Each decision regarding inclement weather is made on a case-by-case basis, and again, safety is the primary consideration in the decision. If parents remain concerned about the safety of their children after the District’s decision is made, they are encouraged to use their own judgment and to request an excused absence for their child when necessary.

School delays or cancellations due to dangerously cold weather will be based on the current weather forecasts which take into consideration temperatures, wind chill factors, and gusty winds. As a guide, if the real feel temperature is minus 20 degrees or colder, a delay may be scheduled. If the forecast calls for brutal temperatures not to significantly improve, then Fort Madison Community School District would likely cancel classes for the day. The concern is about potential hypothermia, and skin exposure for the children who walk or wait at bus stops.

Where can I find out about closing & delays?

In the event that school is delayed/canceled due to severe weather, FMCSD makes every attempt to notify families as soon as possible.

We notify families via:

PowerSchool Announcements---Click on SchoolMessenger App link

FMCSD Mobile App

Mass media (Channel 3-KTVO, Channel 7-KHQA, Channel 10-WGEM and radio (KBUR, KGRS, KBKB, KQ92, KCPS, KOKX, KILJ)

Parents can help by making sure their contact information, as well as emergency contact information, is regularly updated with their child’s school.