Health Services
Student Health Requirements provided by the Iowa Department of Education
If your student needs to take a prescription medication while at school, your doctor will need to fill out a medication form. These are available online or at the school office.
If your student needs to take an over the counter medication at school, a parent will need to fill out a medication form and submit it to the school office. These are available online or at the school office.
Medications must come to school in the original bottle from the pharmacy. Medications sent in a baggie, envelope, or plastic container will not be accepted and the school will not be able to give these to the student.
All medications will be given as instructed on the original bottle or as prescribed.
No medication of any kind is allowed on the school buses with the exception of emergency medications; Insulin, Inhalers, Diastat, and EpiPens.
Emergency medications, as noted above, can be carried by the student, unless it is felt that the student is not mature enough or responsible enough to take the medication without supervision.
All medications will be stored in the school office. The student will report to the office to take the medication. Asthma inhalers, Epi-Pens, Diastat, and Diabetic supplies are the only medications that may be kept with the student or in their classroom.