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Hannah Hoenig
FMCSD Shares Beginning of the Year Testing Information and Goals
K-6 FAST / 7-11 MAP Fall 2023 Scores
At the Board of Directors meeting last work session, Monday, October 2nd, FMCSD principals shared student performance Fall data in literacy and math as measured by the State of Iowa’s (Formative Assessment System for Teacher FAST) assessment for grades K-6 and the Measure of Academic Performance (MAP) assessment for grades 7-11.
Students in elementary school continue to build foundational skills in the areas of literacy and math. The Fall benchmark scores show the overall effect of students not being in school over the summer and demonstrate the starting point for this year’s instruction.
Students in FMMS build upon those foundational skills. For example, where elementary school students are learning to read, middle school students take their established reading skills and apply them to more non-fiction and content area higher level reading.
Students at FMHS demonstrate these skills built upon at the elementary and middle school levels and traditionally hold the highest achievement scores in the district. Superintendent Dr. Erin Slater said in the district’s system the students grow and learn. “We may get them when they first come in and they are not at benchmark, but as you can see as they matriculate through our K-12 system if they stay with us, they become highly successful academically and behaviorally. As students stay with us they do grow.”
A change to prepare for the transition into PK-6 and 7-12 facilities next Fall, this year students in 7th and 8th grades take the MAP assessment instead of the FAST assessment. This will allow for 7-12 teachers to have more longitudinal data with students to help assist their growth and development.
The 2023-2024 District goal is to see an increase of 10% growth in literacy and math scores.