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isasp growth graphic
Hannah Hoenig

FMCSD Students Show Growth in Statewide Assessments

Several grade levels showed increases between 10% and 18% growth in one year.

FMCSD students recently completed the Iowa Statewide Assessment for Student Progress (ISASP), the annual required statewide assessment for public school students in the State of Iowa.

Students are tested in grades 3 - 11 in  English-Language Arts, Mathematics and in grades 5, 8, and 10 in Science.  

Students in English-Language Arts showed an overall average growth of 5.75% from 2022 to the 2023 assessments.  Within this average, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 10th graders showed the largest overall increase, which was between 10 - 12% growth within one year. 

Students in Mathematics showed an overall average growth of 4.62% from 2022 to 2023.  Within this average, 7th, 10th, and 11th graders showed the largest overall increase, which was between 12-18% growth within one year. 

Science boasted achievement scores in 5th grade of 62% proficient and advanced; 8th grade of 66% and 11th grade of 73%.

We are proud of the teaching and learning that is happening at FMCSD!  We believe these growth and achievement scores are evidence of our school district’s mission of ensuring all students learn the academic and life skills necessary for personal success and responsible living.