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Food Pantry Announcement
Judah Cooper

Through a partnership with the Food Bank of Iowa, FMCSD will have two food pantries
available for district families and staff starting October 14th. These pantries will be
available to all families with students in the district, regardless of income or employment
status. Each building will have its own pantry, with the primary pantry located at the
Elementary School (502 48th Street) and a smaller satellite pantry at the Jr/Sr High
School (2001 Avenue B). To start out, the pantry will primarily have dry goods and shelf-
stable foods, with a limited amount of refrigerated items (eggs, milk, meat, fresh fruit)
when available.  

There will be open hours once a week where anyone can come in to utilize the pantry.
The Jr/Sr High School pantry will be open the first and third Wednesday of each month
from 3:30-5:30pm. The Elementary School pantry will be open the second and fourth
Wednesday of each month from 3:30-5:30pm. Families can come to open hours at
either pantry. Outside of open hours, appointments can be made with the district's
Community Support Specialist, Erin Harmon via phone call or text to (712) 746-7413 or
email to

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