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Hannah Hoenig

Shelly Hoenig currently teaches 4-6 Computer Science and K-12 ELL (English Language Learners). 

“This was a big switch last year after teaching 29 years at the K-2 level! Currently, in the classroom, 4th-grade computer science is working on functions in programming, and 5th and 6th graders are working on variables. Each of my ELL's are working on Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing activities.”

Shelly was born and raised in the Fort Madison area. She went to Denmark Elementary K-4, Jefferson 5-6, and then middle school and high school at Fort Madison. She graduated in 1987, so FMCSD is in her blood.

"I did my undergraduate studies at WIU in Macomb. I waited for several years and got my Masters at The University of Missouri, St Louis."

shelly hoenig at college graduation

"Free time, what is that?  Just kidding, I have several "fun" jobs that are seasonal. I love to sit on my deck and enjoy the weather, read books, spend time with family and friends, and travel. Traveling is always fun! I have a couple of groups I travel with throughout the year and we always make memories!"

Shelly is known for her love of flamingos. She has collected them for many years. "My most memorable flamingos are the 12-foot flamingos that my son has gifted me."

shelly hoenig at her work desk

Shelly also likes to go to the movies and watch any type of movie but horror. She enjoys steak, catfish, and pizza and likes it even more if someone else cooks it! Breakfast is her favorite meal to eat out, however. 

Fun fact: Her first job growing up was driving an ice cream truck here in town, The Circus Wagon.

“My favorite thing about my job is that I get to see lots of students and no two days are alike.”